Career Professionals Make News in Atlanta
Employment issues are hot topic in today's
uncertain economic environment. The so-called "jobless recovery", off
shoring, outsourcing, manufacturing job drain, and high unemployment
affect millions of Canadians on a very personal level. As the conduit
between employees and employers, career professional must be more
educated, networked, and connected than ever before.
As a leading résumé writer in Ontario, Nicole
Miller, has recently returned from the Career Master's Institute's
annual international conference in Atlanta, Georgia, where she gained
information on these topics and many more emerging career trends. The
3-day program, a gathering of nearly 200 career practitioners,
featured Atlanta-area and international business leaders, authors,
speakers, educators, and career industry leaders as conference
presenters. Their leading-edge presentations have equipped Mrs. Miller
with knowledge and tools to remain at the forefront of the industry
and offer the most practical, proven and up-to-date strategies and
services to clients.
Nicole Miller and the Canadian Contingent pose
with Wendy Enelow - renowned author and
founder of the Career Master's Institute.